WANT TO KNOW BASIC VASTU TIPS TO CONSIDER FOR NEW HOUSE PLANNING? this article might help you. all aspects we can strongly believe that a vastu concept in house planning is relayed on Nature & movement of earth. Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements “earth, fire, water, air and space. accordingly Rooms location in house plan will be arranged best with matching to requirement of BASIC VASTU FOR NEW HOUSE.

  1. Entrance or main gate of houses

• the main door of a dwelling is given importance in vastu shastra because it reflect the first impression, beauty, personally and the well-being of the occupants.
• For east or north facing house/plot = north-east
• For west facing house/plot = north-west
• For south facing house/plot = south-east
• Main gate of houses should not be in center.
• The face of the house and the main entrance of positive energies, it is critical to get the entrance right.
• As you being constructing your house, do remember that direction plays an important role in the location of the entrance or main gate of houses.

  1. Door opening:

• Door should be open inward in clockwise direction.
• The door should open inward into the house, and towards the left.
• The door open towards the right or outwards are not considered auspicious.

  1. Staircase direction:
    • Staircase direction should be construct from north to south.
    • Staircase always must be in clockwise direction.
    • Anti-clockwise stairs bring in bad energies.(they signify that the time circle of the residents is moving in reverse.
    • U-shape staircase is very good for house construction as per vaastu.
    • Energies filled with the force of life climb the stairs of a house and make their way throughout its internal structure.
    • The best location for is in the south, south-west and north-west section of a not construct stairs in the north portion of a building.
    • The number of steps in a stair case should be always add, number like 5, 9, 11, 15, 21….
    • Avoid constructing a mandir, the stairs as there are too many burdens crossing over it.
  2. Bedroom:
    • “South-west” is best corner for bedroom/master bedrooms in house.
    • Positioning of the bed in the bedroom is very important as well. The position of the bed usually leads to instability in the occupant’s life.
    • A bed that adjoin the bathroom wall receives negative energy from the direction. Pure white is a good color for creating a spiritual not choose dull or sharp color for the bedroom.
    • Avoiding placing heavy furniture in the north-east corner of the bedroom.
    • Avoid keeping a TV in your bedroom as it emits electromagnetic radiation that may be harmful to you.
  3. Puja room/temple:
    • “north-east” corner is reserved for “puja room”.
    • Wood and marble are the best material to use when constructing a puja room.
    • Puja room is not positioned next to the bathroom.
    • Don’t build underneath the stairs.
    • Rose wood is a good for use here.
  4. Kitchen:
    An Indian housewife spends most of her time in the kitchen, her day starts in the kitchen and end in the kitchen. The kitchen is the back bone of the house.
    • “south-east” corner is reserved for kitchen.
    • Kitchen is located in the north-eastern direction may result in heavy losses for the family.
    • Kitchen window should be positioned in the eastern direction.
    • The best place for kitchen place is north.
    • Avoid placing a refrigerator in the kitchen, as the elements of water and fire clash with each other.
    • The mandir should not be made in the kitchen.
    • Cleanliness and hygiene is also a must.
    Kitchen slab:

• “north-east” direction is best for ‘kitchen slab’.

• “North and east” direction is also best placement of “gas/stove”.
• Avoiding placing the cooking stove on the north-eastern corner.

• “North and east” direction is also best for placement of “sink”.
But sink should not be placed nearby gas/stove because fire and water are opposite to each other.

  1. Bath room/toilet:
    • North west corner is best for bathroom or toilet.
    • The bathroom should not be visible when entering a building.
    • Bathroom is not attached to kitchen wall or puja room wall.
    • The shower and tap are installed on the northern wall of bathroom.
    • The north has a water elements, and using water when facing the north attracts financial prosperity.
    • Avoid constructing storage space inside the bathroom. Toilet sheet:
    • Toilet sheet should be placed from “north to south “or “south to north “direction.

• “north-east” corner is best for placement of “wash-basin or bathtub”.

  1. Water point / submersible point:
    • north east corner is best for submersible point, water point, and well and bore well.
    • Placing the overhead tank over the kitchen may bring in financial burden to the family.
    • Water tanks only be placed in bathrooms.
  2. Septic tank:
    • North west corner is best for septic tank. Which is the best location for disposal.
    • Septic tank always construct under ground level.
    • Septic tank should not be construct in the center of house.
    • Septic tank should not be construct under bedroom/kitchen.
    • Very big and deep tanks are erected to accumulate human waste. These tanks may be called septic tanks. These tanks should be made in round shapes only.
  3. Heavy corner in house as per vastu:
    • “south-west” corner is the heaviest corner in houses as per vastu.
    • “store-room” should be placed in “south-west” corner.